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Two New Board Members Wanted For Highlands And Islands Enterprise

10th January 2024

People with a strong commitment to the future of the Highlands and Islands are being invited to apply to join the board of the region's development agency.

Scottish Ministers are looking to fill two non-executive director positions on the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) Board, with the new appointees expected to start three-year terms in April.

With around 300 staff based across the Highlands and Islands, HIE is an ambitious organisation with a vital role in supporting businesses and communities to build a greener, fairer, and more resilient region that benefits everyone and makes a strong contribution to Scotland.

The agency operates throughout a geographically diverse region that covers more than half of the Scottish land mass, including all 94 inhabited islands, and is home to around 470,000 people.

Its current five-year strategy, launched in August 2023, sets out a vision for a leading net zero region with a dynamic wellbeing economy and is aligned with the Scottish Government's National Strategy for Economic Transformation and the New Deal for Business.

Responsible for setting strategic direction, key decision making and effective governance, the 12-member Board encompasses a range of skills, knowledge and experience that reflect the diversity of the region and the breadth of HIE's remit.

Chair of HIE Alistair Dodds said: "This is a fantastic opportunity to join the board of an ambitious organisation with a vital role in supporting businesses and communities across the Highlands and Islands.

"It's important that our board encompasses a range of skills, knowledge and experience to reflect the diversity of our region and the economic and community development opportunities and challenges that exist in this part of Scotland.

"As a board, we have a diverse range of backgrounds and experience, and at least two things in common: our passion for the Highlands and Islands and our commitment to make a positive difference to the wellbeing and prosperity of all those who live here.

"On this occasion, we're particularly keen to hear from people with knowledge and experience in the areas of natural capital, energy and property."

All candidates will be expected to have a very close affinity with the Highlands and Islands and a strong awareness of opportunities and challenges facing businesses and communities across the region.

Scottish Ministers particularly welcome applications from women, people with disabilities, LGBT+ people, people from ethnic minority communities and people aged under 50.

Members of the HIE Board are expected to devote two days per month to the role, although this is currently under review.

Full details are on the Public Appointments Scotland website
Full details are on the Public Appointments Scotland website

Dà bhall ùr don bhòrd gan sireadh airson Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean

Tha daoine le dealas làidir a thaobh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean san àm ri teachd, a’ faotainn cuireadh gu tagradh airson a thighinn air bòrd buidheann leasachaidh na roinne.

Tha Ministearan na h-Alba a’ coimhead ri dà dhreuchd stiùiriche neo-ghnìomha a lìonadh air Bòrd Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE), a’ sùileachadh gun tòisich na fastaidhean ùra nan dreuchd trì-bliadhna sa Ghiblean.

Le timcheall air 300 neach-obrach stèidhichte air feadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean, is e buidheann àrd-amasail a th’ ann an HIE le dleastanas deatamach ann an cur taic ri gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan gus roinn nas uaine, nas cothromaiche agus nas fhulangaiche a thogail, a tha na buannachd do gach neach agus a tha a’ cur gu làidir ri dùthaich na h-Alba.

Tha am buidheann ag obrachadh air feadh roinn de chruinn-eòlas eadar-mheasgte a tha a’ còmhdach còrr air leth tomad fearainn na h-Alba, a’ gabhail a-steach nan 94 eileanan le sluagh a’ còmhnaidh orra agus a tha nan dachaigh do mu 470,000 neach.

Tha an ro-innleachd còig-bliadhna làithreach a chaidh fhoillseachadh san Lùnastal 2023, a’ mìneachadh lèirsinn airson prìomh roinn de neodrachd càrboin le eaconamaidh soirbheis làidir agus co-thaobhaichte leis an Ro-innleachd Nàiseanta do Chruth-atharrachadh Eaconamach aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba agus an Aonta Ùr do Ghnothachas.

Le uallach airson stiùireadh ro-innleachdail, prìomh cho-dhùnaidhean agus riaghladh èifeachdach a stèidheachadh, tha am Bòrd de 12 ball a’ gabhail a-steach raon de sgilean, fiosrachadh agus eòlas a tha a’ nochdadh iomadachd na roinne agus leudachd raon-dleastanais HIE.

Thuirt Alasdair Dodds, Cathraiche HIE: "Is e cothrom mìorbhaileach a tha seo a thighinn air bòrd buidhinn àrd-amasail aig a bheil dleastanas deatamach ann an cur taic ri gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan air feadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean.

“Tha e cudromach gu bheil am bòrd againn a’ gabhail a-steach raon de sgilean, fiosrachadh agus eòlas gus iomadachd na roinne againn a nochdadh, còmhla ris na cothroman eaconamach is coimhearsnachd agus na dùbhlain a tha an làthair sa phàirt seo de dh’Alba.

“Mar bhòrd, tha raon eadar-mheasgte de chùl-fhiosrachadh is eòlas againn agus co-dhiù dà nì ann an cumantas: ar dìoghras mun Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan agus ar dealas a thaobh diofar deimhinneach a dhèanamh ann an sunnd agus soirbheachas nan daoine uile a tha a’ còmhnaidh an seo.

“An turas seo, tha sinn gu h-àraid dèidheil air cluinntinn bho dhaoine le fiosrachadh agus eòlas ann an raointean de chalpa nàdarra, cumhachd agus seilbh."

Bithear a’ sùileachadh gum bi cleamhnas glè dhlùth aig na tagraichean uile leis a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan agus mothachadh làidir do chothroman agus dùbhlain a tha mu choinneamh ghnothachasan agus choimhearsnachdan air feadh na roinne.

Tha Ministearan na h-Alba a’ cur fàilte shònraichte air tagraidhean bho bhoireannaich, daoine le ciorraman, LGBT+ daoine, daoine bho mion-choimhearsnachdan eiticeil agus daoine fo aois 50.

Thathar a’ sùileachadh gun cuir Buill de Bhòrd HIE dà latha sa mhìos seachad san dreuchd, ged a tha seo ga ath-sgrùdadh aig an àm seo.

Gheibhear làn fhiosrachadh air làrach-lìn Dreuchdan Poblach Alba aig


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