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Grants and Funding For Land Managers

21st January 2012

Photograph of Grants and Funding For Land Managers

SNH recognises the important role that farmers, landowners and crofters play in looking after the wider countryside and our most valuable sites, SSSIs and Natura sites.

There are several sources of funding to support land management activities that deliver environmental and nature and landscapes benefits.

The Scotland Rural Development Programme 2007-13 (SRDP) is now the main source of funding for land management projects. It offers opportunities both for supporting the management of the wider countryside and more targeted projects. It is an important support for the management of protected sites and the implementation of the Species Action Framework. If you want to apply for funding you should first check if you and your project are eligible under the SRDP.

The Rural Development Contracts - Rural Priorities scheme forms one component of the SRDP. It provides funding for specific environmental projects, managing habitats, delivering biodiversity benefits, forestry, managing water and soils, enhancing landscape features, renewable energy measures, access provision, as well as diversification, rural communities and business improvement projects. Rural Priorities includes funding for the management of SSSIs and Natura sites (we recommend that you contact your local Scottish Natural Heritage office for advice on the management of your SSSI or Natura site before you complete a Rural Priorities application).

Rural Development Contracts -Land Managers' Options offers a more general menu of economic, environmental and social measures which are open to all land managers.

Rural Priorities is largely replacing SNH's Natural Care Programme and Scottish Natural Heritage management agreements as the main mechanism for supporting management of SSSIs and Natura sites. However SNH can still offer agreements in cases requiring specialised management which cannot be supported through Rural Priorities.

Scottish Natural Heritage can also offer grants for a wide range of urban and rural projects that deliver outcomes linked to our Corporate Strategy. Consult our Grants Programme and other sources of funding page for more information.

For more information got to the Scottish Natural Heritage web site