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Highland agencies launch latest plan For Highland's Children

14th March 2010

'Giving every Highland child and young person the best possible start in life' is the aim of a plan which was launched today (Fri 12 March 2010) at the Highland Joint Committee on Children and Young People in Inverness.

"For Highland's Children 3" was welcomed at the Joint Committee on Children and Young People which is jointly chaired by Highland Councillor Margaret Davidson and Pam Courcha, NHS Highland Board Member.

The crux of the plan is its framework for partnership working which delivers better outcomes for children, young people and families.

Membership of the Joint Committee on Children and Young People comprises The Highland Council; NHS Highland; Highland Drug and Alcohol Action Forum; Child Protection Committee; Northern Constabulary and Highland Youth Convener.

Since 2001 Highland has taken the lead role in Scotland with the development of the national programme "Getting It Right For Every Child". GIRFEC is changing the way adults think and act to help children.

For Highland's Children 3 is the third plan introduced in the Highlands since 2001 which aims to continue the successful development of children's services by:

· providing more efficient management of resources based on the GIRFEC processes;

· offering improved consultation with service users; and

· establishing clear aims and objectives which are closely monitored and reviewed.

Pam Courcha, Chair of the Joint Committee on Children and Young People said: "For Highland's Children 3 is building on the success of the previous two plans 'For Highland's Children' and 'For Highland's Children 2'. We want our services to ensure that our children and young people are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included. For Highland's Children 3 maintain and strengthen the deliver of these national indicators of wellbeing."

Highland Councillor Margaret Davidson Chair of the Joint Committee on Children and Young People said: "Working together through For Highland's Children 3 we will ensure that all of Highlands's children have the best possible start in life; enjoy being young; and are supported to develop as confident, capable and resilient, to fully maximise their potential."

For Highland's Children 3 will be distributed among children's and young people services in The Highland Council, NHS Highland and voluntary sector partners and is available on The Highland Council's website at: